Basic Concepts
The law governing the right of asylum and subsidiary protection defines the asylum mentioned in article 13.4 of the Spanish Constitution as the protection granted by Spain to non-EU nationals or stateless persons accorded refugee status in accordance with this law, the Geneva Convention of 1951 and the New York Protocol of 1967.
On one hand, refugee status is accorded to any person who owing to well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion, membership of a particular social group, gender or sexual orientation is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence, due to such reasons is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it.
On the other hand, the right to subsidiary protection is granted to third-country nationals and stateless persons who do not qualify to be granted asylum or to be accorded refugee status, but who have well-founded reasons to believe that if they returned to the country of their nationality or (if stateless) to the country of their former habitual residence, they would be at a real risk of serious damage, and who are unable or, owing to such fear, are unwilling to accept the protection of the country in question.
International protection encompasses both the right of asylum and the subsidiary protection. It precludes the expulsion or return of the persons who have been granted protection, and it entails the implementation of the measures provided by Spanish law, EU law and international conventions ratified by Spain, as long as the circumstances in connection with which they were granted asylum or subsidiary protection.
Persons to whom the authorities of the country in which they have taken up residence have recognised the rights and obligations inherent to or equivalent to those of its nationals shall be excluded from refugee status. The same applies to persons who fall within the scope of application of article 1.D or are in any of the cases provided for in Articles 1.F and 33.2 of the aforementioned Geneva Convention:
Furthermore, those persons who constitute a danger to the internal or external security of Spain or to public order will also be excluded from the condition of beneficiaries of subsidiary protection.
In accordance with article 25.3 of Organic Law 4/2000, of January 11, on the rights and freedoms of aliens in Spain and their social integration, foreign nationals who apply for asylum at the moment of entering Spain shall not need to fulfil the usual entry requirements.
EU-nationals and those to whom the EU regime is applicable shall be governed by EU law, Organic Law 4/2000, of January 11, on the rights and freedoms of aliens in Spain and their social integration, and any regulations in force on the matter, in those aspects that may be more favourable to them.
Requirements to be accorded international protection
A well-founded fear of being persecuted or a real risk of suffering serious harm may also be based on events or activities in which the applicant has participated, in an expressly unintentional manner, after leaving the country of origin or, in the case of stateless persons, the country of habitual residence, in particular if it is shown that such events or activities constitute the expression of convictions or orientations held in the country of origin or habitual residence.
Non EU-nationals and stateless persons who wish to apply for international protection in Spain may submit their application to any of the following offices:
Applicants for international protection present in national territory shall have the right to health care and free legal assistance, which shall extend to the formalisation of the application and to the entire procedure, as well as the right to an interpreter.
The submission of the application shall entail the assessment of the circumstances determining the recognition of refugee status, as well as the granting of subsidiary protection.
At the time of submitting the application, the foreign national shall be informed, in a language which he/she can understand, about:
The appearance of the person concerned for the application for international protection must be made without delay and in any case within a maximum period of one month from entry into Spanish territory or from the occurrence of the events justifying the well-founded fear of persecution or serious harm.
No penalties for illegal entry into Spanish territory shall be imposed on persons who meet the requirements to benefit from international protection.
Applications must be submitted in person or, in the event of physical or legal impossibility, by a person representing the interested party. In this case, the applicant must ratify the application as soon as possible.
The application will be formalised by means of a personal interview, which will always be carried out on a one-to-one basis. Exceptionally, other members of the applicant's family may be required to take part in the interview, if this is considered essential for the proper submission of the application.
In filling in and signing the relevant form, the applicant must set out in detail the facts, data or allegations on which his or her claim is based.
The following must be submitted with the application:
If the applicant fails to provide any personal documentation, he/she must justify the reason for the omission. The interviewers will inform applicants on how to apply, assist them in filling in the application form, and provide them with the basic information related to the application. They shall also cooperate with the applicants to establish the relevant facts of their application.
Where security reasons so require, the applicant and his or her belongings may be searched, provided that full respect for his or her dignity and integrity is ensured.
The UNHCR shall be informed of the lodging of applications for international protection and may be present at hearings of the applicant and submit reports to be added to the file. For this purpose, it shall have access to applicants, including those held in border facilities, in foreigner detention centres detention centres or in prisons.
The applicant shall designate, where appropriate, the persons who are dependent on him or form part of his family nucleus, indicating whether he/she is applying for asylum by extension for them. If these persons are applying for extended asylum and they are in Spanish territory, they must appear in person together with the applicant. The names and personal data of the dependants designated by the applicant will be entered into the file, even if the family extension of asylum is not applied for.
Once the application for international protection has been submitted, the applicant will have the following RIGHTS:
Applicants for international protection will have the following DUTIES:
Effects of the submission of the application
Once international protection has been applied for, the foreign national shall not be subject to return, refoulement or expulsion until a decision has been taken on his or her application or the application has not been accepted for processing. However, for reasons of public health or safety, the Minister of the Interior may adopt the precautionary measures provided for in Article 61 of Organic Law 4/2000, on the rights and freedoms of foreigners in Spain and their social integration.
Likewise, the request for protection shall suspend, until the final decision, the execution of the ruling of any extradition proceedings pending against the person concerned. However, an applicant may be surrendered or extradited, as appropriate, to another Member State of the European Union by virtue of the obligations arising from a European arrest warrant, or to a third country to appear before an international criminal court.
Applicants have the right to be interviewed by a lawyer in the premises of border posts and foreigner detention centres, unless there are restrictions for reasons of security, public order or administrative management.
The time limits specified by law for the application to be processed will start when the application is submitted.
If more than six months are required to reach a decision, the time limits may be extended in accordance with the provisions of Article 49 of Law 30/1992, of 26 November, on the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedure. If this is the case, the applicant will be informed of the reason of the delay.
The applicant for international protection will be provided with a stamped receipt of his application. This receipt will be attached to his passport and will entitle him to stay in Spain for a maximum period of sixty days.
Once the application has been accepted for processing, the applicant will be issued with a document that proves that he/she has applied for asylum and that enables him/her to stay in Spain while the application is processed.
When this document is issued, the applicant shall deposit, if he/she has not already done so, his/her personal and travel documents, which shall be kept on deposit in the event of a favourable decision on the asylum application.
During the processing of the application, the applicant must notify the relevant department of the Asylum and Refugee Office immediately of any change of address.
Applicants for international protection, provided that they lack financial resources, may benefit from the social services, aid and benefits of the different support programmes. These programmes are managed by the relevant Public Administrations, according to their resources and budget, with the aim of ensuring that applicants' basic needs are properly met.
The relevant authority issue applicants a work permit, in accordance with the current law governing the status of aliens, and according to the status of the application and the circumstances of the applicant.
Aids and benefits included in the support programmes may be reduced or discontinued in the following cases:
The corresponding reasoned and individualised proposal must be accompanied by a copy of the notification addressed to the representative in Spain of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and a report from said representative, where appropriate, which must be issued within a maximum period of ten days from the day when the communication is received.
The dismissal decision must be notified within a maximum period of one month from the date of submission of the application. If this period elapses without the decision being notified to the person concerned, the application shall be deemed to have been accepted for processing and the individual shall be granted provisional stay in the Spanish territory, notwithstanding the final ruling on the procedure.
If, after the application for international protection has been accepted for processing, any of the circumstances that would have justified its dismissal are found to exist, the application shall be rejected.
Non-admission shall have the same effects as a rejection of the application.
The person concerned shall be notified of the non-admission for processing within a maximum of four days from the submission of the application, and this period shall be extended to a maximum of ten days in cases in which, due to the existence of one of the grounds for exclusion or refusal for obtaining refugee status or the granting of the right to subsidiary protection, UNHCR, in a reasoned manner, so requests.
Within two days of notification of the decision rejecting the application as inadmissible or rejecting it, the interested party may file a request for REEXAMINATION, which will suspend the effects of said decision. The decision on this request must be notified to the interested party within two days of the date on which the request was submitted.
During the procedure and, in any case, during the processing of the request for reexamination and the appeal for reconsideration, as well as during the lodging of the contentious-administrative appeal with judicial suspension of the administrative act, the person requesting international protection shall remain in the border premises set up for this purpose.
If the time limit set for deciding on the non-admission or the rejection of the application at the border, the reexamination request, or the appeal for reconsideration has elapsed without the decision being expressly notified, this will determine its processing by the ordinary procedure, as well as the authorisation for entry and provisional stay of the applicant, without prejudice to what may be agreed in the final decision of the proceedings.
Non-admission shall have the same effects as a rejection of the application.
Processing of applications
Effects of the asylum or subsidiary protection decision
The granting of the right to asylum or subsidiary protection shall imply the recognition of the rights established in the Geneva Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, in the current regulations on aliens and immigration, as well as in the regulations of the European Union, and, in any case:
They may continue to benefit from some or all of the programmes or benefits they enjoyed prior to the granting of international protection status in cases where special circumstances so require.
In case of social or economic hardship, they may benefit from complementary services relating to access to employment, housing and general educational services, as well as specialised services for interpretation and translation of documents, permanent assistance for the elderly and disabled, and emergency financial assistance.
The non-admission or rejection of applications for international protection shall determine, as appropriate, the return, refoulement, expulsion, compulsory departure from Spanish territory or transfer to the territory of the State responsible for examining the asylum application of the persons who applied for asylum.
In case of social or economic hardship, they may benefit from complementary services relating to access to employment, housing and general educational services, as well as specialised services for interpretation and translation of documents, permanent assistance for the elderly and disabled, and emergency financial assistance.
Family unity of beneficiaries of international protection
The maintenance of the family of refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection shall be ensured.
The right of asylum or subsidiary protection shall be granted, by extension, to the following family members:
When, during the processing of an application for international protection, the members of the family of the person concerned are also in Spain, and have not submitted an independent application for international protection, they shall be authorised to reside in Spain on a provisional basis, subject to the resolution of the application for international protection.
The decision granting the right of asylum or subsidiary protection by family extension shall have the same effects for the beneficiaries as it shall for the applicants.
In no case shall asylum or subsidiary protection be granted by extension to persons whose circumstances fall under any of the grounds for exclusion or refusal foreseen in the legislation.
Refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection may reunite the family members listed above, even if they are already in Spain, without requesting the extension of the status they enjoy. This reunification will always be applicable when the beneficiaries are of a different nationality from that of the refugee or beneficiary of subsidiary protection.
In this case, refugees or beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, as well as beneficiaries of family reunification, shall not be subject to the requirements established in the current regulations on aliens and immigration.
The decision granting family reunification shall imply the granting of a residence permit and, where applicable, a work permit, of analogous validity to that of the person reuniting the family.
Family reunification may be exercised only once, and persons who have been reunited and obtained authorisation to reside in Spain by virtue of the provisions of the previous paragraph may not apply for successive reunifications of their family members.
In no case shall asylum or subsidiary protection be granted, by family extension, to persons whose circumstances fall under any of the grounds for exclusion or refusal foreseen in the legislation.
Cessation and revocation of international protection
Refugee status shall cease to be granted to those who:
The person affected by the termination shall enjoy the following guarantees during the procedure:
The period for notification of the decision shall be six months from the date of submission of the application by the interested party or from the date of notification of the order to initiate the termination procedure. At the end of this period, and taking into account any applicable suspensions or extensions, the case shall be deemed to have lapsed and shall be closed automatically.
Resolutions on cessation shall terminate the administrative procedure and shall be subject to an optional appeal for reconsideration before the Minister of the Interior and an appeal for judicial review.
Cessation shall terminate the enjoyment of all rights inherent to refugee status.
The cessation of refugee status will not prevent the continuation of residence in Spain in accordance with the current regulations on aliens and immigration, when the interested party provides reasonable justification for remaining in Spain. For these purposes, the period of time during which the interested parties have legally resided in our country will be taken into account.
Subsidiary protection shall cease when:
The person affected by the termination shall enjoy the following guarantees during the procedure:
The period for notification of the decision shall be six months from the date of submission of the application by the interested party or from the date of notification of the order to initiate the termination procedure. At the end of this period, and taking into account any applicable suspensions or extensions, the case shall be deemed to have lapsed and shall be closed automatically.
Resolutions on cessation shall terminate the administrative procedure and shall be subject to an optional appeal for reconsideration before the Minister of the Interior and an appeal for judicial review.
Cessation shall terminate the enjoyment of all rights inherent to the beneficiary of subsidiary protection status.
The cessation of refugee status will not prevent the continuation of residence in Spain in accordance with the current regulations on aliens and immigration, when the interested party provides reasonable justification for remaining in Spain. For these purposes, the period of time during which the interested parties have legally resided in our country will be taken into account.
Revocation of refugee status or subsidiary protection status shall be applicable where:
The person affected by the revocation shall enjoy the following guarantees during the procedure:
The period for notification of the decision shall be six months from the date of submission of the application by the interested party or from the date of notification of the order to initiate the revocation procedure. At the end of this period, and taking into account any applicable suspensions or extensions, the case shall be deemed to have lapsed and shall be closed automatically.
Resolutions on revocation shall terminate the administrative procedure and shall be subject to an optional appeal for reconsideration before the Minister of the Interior and an appeal for judicial review.
The revocation shall terminate the enjoyment of all rights inherent to refugee or beneficiary of subsidiary protection status.
The revocation of international protection will entail the immediate application of the current regulations on aliens and immigration, and, where appropriate, the processing of the corresponding administrative disciplinary proceedings for the expulsion of the person concerned from the national territory, in accordance with the provisions of Article 57 of Organic Law 4/2000, of 11 January, on the rights and freedoms of foreigners in Spain and their social integration, and its implementing regulations.
However, no revocation or possible subsequent expulsion may result in the persons concerned being sent to a country where their life or freedom would be in danger or where they would be exposed to torture or inhuman or degrading treatment or, as the case may be, where there is no effective protection against refoulement to the persecuting or risk country.
Minors and other vulnerable persons
The specific situation shall be taken into account and differentiated treatment shall be given, where necessary, to vulnerable applicants for or beneficiaries of international protection, such as minors, unaccompanied minors, persons with disabilities, elderly persons, pregnant women, single parents with minors, persons who have been subjected to torture, rape or other serious forms of psychological or physical or sexual violence, and victims of trafficking in human beings.
Specific treatment will also be given to those who, due to their personal characteristics, may have been subject to persecution for several of the reasons set out in Law 12/2009, of 30 October, regulating the right to asylum and subsidiary protection.
For humanitarian reasons other than those indicated in the subsidiary protection status, the applicant for international protection may be authorised to remain in Spain under the terms provided for in the current law on aliens and immigration.
Minors seeking international protection who have been victims of any form of abuse, neglect, exploitation, torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, or who have been victims of armed conflicts shall be provided with appropriate health and psychological care and qualified assistance as required.
Unaccompanied minors applying for international protection shall be referred to the competent services for the protection of minors and the fact shall be brought to the attention of the Public Prosecutor's Office.
In cases in which the minor's age cannot be established with certainty, the fact shall be immediately brought to the attention of the Public Prosecutor's Office, which shall arrange for the necessary measures to determine the age of the presumed minor, for which purpose the appropriate health institutions shall collaborate and, as a matter of priority and urgency, shall carry out the necessary scientific tests. Refusal to undergo such a medical examination shall not prevent a decision on the application for international protection from being issued. Once the age has been determined, if the person is a minor, the Public Prosecutor's Office shall place him/her at the disposal of the competent services for the protection of minors.
Immediate steps shall be taken to ensure that the representative of the minor, appointed in accordance with applicable child protection legislation, acts on behalf of the unaccompanied minor and assists him/her in the examination of the application for international protection.
Contact points for international protection/asylum applications
CÁDIZ | Internet | Cita Previa |
Correo electrónico | | |
CÓRDOBA | Internet | Cita Previa |
SEVILLA | Internet | Cita Previa (solo apátridas y documentos de viaje) |
Teléfono | 954289616 | |
Correo electrónico | | |
HUELVA | Internet | Cita Previa |
Presencial | Av. Alcalde Narciso Martin Navarro 20 | |
Correo electrónico | |
GRANADA | Internet |
Cita Previa |
ALMERÍA | Teléfono | 950759322 |
JAEN | Correo electrónico | |
MALAGA | Teléfono | 609049347 |
HUESCA | Internet | Cita Previa |
ZARAGOZA | Internet | Cita Previa |
TERUEL | Correo electrónico | |
JACA | Internet | Cita Previa |
OVIEDO | Internet | Cita Previa |
GIJÓN | Internet |
Cita Previa |
GRAN CANARIA | Presencial | C. Luis Doreste Silva, 68, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas |
TENERIFE | Correo electrónico | |
SANTANDER | Internet | Cita Previa |
Teléfono | 942361034 |
ÁVILA | Internet | Cita Previa |
PALENCIA | Teléfono | 690343472 |
SORIA | Internet | Cita Previa |
VALLADOLID | Internet | Cita Previa |
BURGOS | Internet | Cita Previa |
SALAMANCA | Internet | Cita Previa |
SEGOVIA | Internet | Cita Previa |
ZAMORA | Teléfono | 659025121 |
LEÓN | Teléfono | 690337379 |
CIUDAD REAL | Presencial | Rda. de Toledo n.º 27, Ciudad Real |
TOLEDO | Internet | Cita Previa |
GUADALAJARA | Correo electrónico | |
CUENCA | Internet | Cita Previa |
ALBACETE | Internet | Cita Previa |
BARCELONA | Teléfono | 932903098 |
TARRAGONA | Teléfono | 977248612 |
GIRONA | Teléfono | 972486307 / 972486303 |
LLEIDA | Internet | Cita Previa |
CEUTA | Internet | Cita Previa |
ALICANTE | Internet | Cita Previa |
Correo electrónico | Alicante: Elche: Benidorm: |
VALENCIA | Teléfono | 649497659 / 606728940 |
CASTELLÓN | Teléfono | 689055990 (jueves de 12:00 a 13:30h) |
BADAJOZ | Internet | Cita Previa |
MÉRIDA | Internet | Cita Previa |
CÁCERES | Internet | Cita Previa |
OURENSE | Internet | Cita Previa |
A CORUÑA | Internet | A Coruña: Cita Previa Ferrol-Narón: Cita Previa Santiago de Compostela: Cita Previa |
PONTEVEDRA | Presencial | C/ Joaquín Costa n.º 17, Pontevedra |
LUGO | Internet | Cita Previa |
MALLORCA | Internet | Cita Previa |
MENORCA | Teléfono | 971356398 (en horario de 09:00 a 10:30 horas de lunes a viernes) |
IBIZA | Teléfono | 971398783 (en horario de 13:00 a 14:00 horas los martes y miércoles) |
LOGROÑO | Internet | Cita Previa |
MADRID BPEF | Teléfono | 913220189 / 913220190 |
MURCIA | Internet | Cita Previa |
MELILLA | Internet | Cita Previa |
PAMPLONA | Internet | Cita Previa |
BILBAO | Presencial | C/ Gordóniz n.º 8, Bilbao |
VITORIA | Internet | Cita Previa |
SAN SEBASTIÁN | Teléfono | Lunes de 16:00 a 19:00 en el telefono 943449815 |